Selection of study subjects of students who have just finished 12th grade
At the end of the 12th exam, I was happy, but I did not feel comfortable thinking about my bachelor's degree, which university I should study at. My parents want me to study medicine ... He said that it is easy to be a doctor, find a job, earn a lot of money ... My aunts and uncles say the same thing. Friends say that learning English in today's society needs people who know English, so go to that school to learn English. But some people say that they know math, chemistry, physics, science, so they take the entrance exam for a technical school to study engineering. But sometimes I think I like computers, so I should study IT, but I want to learn a little bit of design and architecture because drawing is like having fun, but another child wants to be a lawyer because he has wanted to since he was a child ... when Ask them again that the economy is good because now the Cambodian economy is growing ... Meet this senior student, he said to study accounting because the future of accountants is bright.
Which one should I take ???
Like a lot to go, which way do I go, which side is right? What subject? What school? In fact, switching from high school to college can be frustrating, but choosing a course is even harder. But think of it as important, and then it will be difficult. What we learn in college can almost determine what we will do ten or twenty years from now because we will be in that circle of society.
Choosing the wrong profession makes it impossible for us to reach our full potential. The reason is simple because we do not like it and do not want to do it. One thing goes well only if we put in both physical and mental strength. Choosing the wrong profession can make us lose the motivation to learn, the motivation to work on what we have learned. On the other hand, time is precious, if you spend 4 to 5 years learning what we do not like and doing what we do not like, it makes our lives worse. Some people say that you learn first, but when you learn, you like it. This is a world-class lie.
Because people are born with different passions and different talents. If we do not like it and we go to research it a little and still do not like to study for a few more years still do not like. We should choose what we like, what we love, because we should wake up and remember that today I go to study what I want to learn, I go to do what I want to do, which may be useful to what I will Do for a lifetime. Life should be like that! Not getting up, remembering that day, I went to school again ... learning to work for money. That kind of life is too meaningless. So think again when you go to buy an entrance exam or apply.
Overall, our future, we should be responsible! Learn to understand yourself and be able to search for information and participate in programs that are useful and help in choosing a profession and educational institution. Below are some help files and programs that WEduShare thinks students who have just finished the exam should read and participate in.
Additional help documents:
For FUSAAC Student Career Orientation and Career Orientation
For educational institutions and majors to pursue higher education at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Programs to attend:
Roadmap to University Success that takes place every year.
Major and Career Fair
Wish you good luck and success!
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