Assignment for you Computer generation: stages and characteristics Computer generation: stages and characteristics

Computer generation: stages and characteristics

First-generation The first generation

of computers, which began between 1940 and 1952 in the context of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War. At this time, the first automatic calculators appeared based on vacuum tubes and electronic valves.

The experts of the time did not trust too much in expanding the use of computers. According to their study, only 20 people can confuse the US market with data processing.


although the first computer was the German Genius ZII, short for electronic numeric input, the computer was generally considered to be a computer that marked the beginning of the first generation of this type of machine.

ENIAC is a completely digital computer, so all processes and operations are executed using machine language. It was unveiled to the public on February 15, 1946, after three years of service.

By then, World War II was over, so the goal of computer research had shifted away from the military. Since then, it has been discovered that computers can meet the needs of private companies.

Subsequent investigations resulted in Ai's successor. IT. Eat. A. IT. Eat. A. A.
IT. S.

The first computer to hit the general market was the Saly in 1951. The following year, UNIVAC was used in the counting of ballots in the US presidential election: it took only 45 minutes to get the result.

Characteristics The

first computers used vacuum tubes for circuits as well as magnetic drums for memory. The group is large up to the entire occupancy room.

This first generation needed a lot of electricity to run. This not only makes it more expensive to use, but it also causes a large generation of heat, which causes certain failures.

These computer programs are written in machine language and they can only get one program to handle at a time. At that time, each new program takes days or weeks to install. Meanwhile, the data is merged with punched cards and tape.
The main model,

as noted ENIAC (1946), was the first digital electronic computer. In fact, it is a simulation machine that could not be programmed as it is understood today.

Its creators were engineers and scientists from the University of Pennsylvania (USA), led by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. The machine took over the entire basement of the campus and weighed several tons. In full operation it can make 5,000 sums per minute.

ADVA (1949) was already a computer programmer. Although it is a laboratory model, this machine is designed with some of the ideas found in today's computers.

The first commercial computer was Yu. A. IT. S. IT. I (1951) Mauchly and Eckert founded Universal Computer, a company that introduced computers as their first product.

Although AMM has introduced a number of models in the past, AMK 701 (1953) was the first to be successful. The following year, the company introduced a new model that added drums.
Magnetism as a mass storage mechanism.

The second generation, which began in 1956 and continued until 1964, was characterized by the inclusion of transistors to replace vacuum valves. With this, computers reduce their size and electricity consumption.

Transistor development was the basis of generational changes in computers. With this element, the engine can be made smaller in addition to less air demand. However, production costs remain high.

Transistors offer better performance than vacuum cleaners, which also makes the computer less error-prone.

Another great improvement that has taken place so far is the upgrade of the software. In this generation, COBOL emerged as a computer language that, when commercialized, represented one of the most significant advances in software mobility. This means that each program can be used on multiple computers.

IBM has introduced the first magnetic disk system called RAMAC, its capacity is 5 MB of data.

One of the biggest customers for these second-generation computers is the US Navy. For example, they were used to create the first flight simulations.

addition to the discovery that the new computer representation transistor also incorporated a magnetic network for storage.
For the first time, computers can store instructions in their memory.

These groups allowed machine languages ​​to be left to start using assembly or virtual language. Thus appeared the first versions of FORTRAN and COBOL.

1951 The invention of microprogramming by Maurice Wilkes meant that CPU development was simplified.
Main models

Among the models that appeared in this generation, the ISM 1041 Miffis was the most prominent. Despite being expensive and bulky by today's standards, the company has sold 12,000 PCs.

In 1964, IBM introduced its 360 series, the first computer in which software could be installed for different combinations of speeds, speeds, and prices.

The / 360 system, designed by IBM, was a top seller in 1968. Designed for personal use, 14,000 units were sold. Its predecessor, System / 350, included multilingual new languages ​​and input and output tools.
The third generation,

the creation of chips or circuits by Americans Jack S. Kilby and Robert Noyce, revolutionized computer development. So this third generation machine started from 1964 to 1971.
History The

appearance of integrated circuits was revolutionary in the field of computers. Processing capacity is increased and, in addition, production costs are reduced.

These circuits or chips are printed on silicon tablets to which small transistors are added. Its implementation represents the first step towards the smallness of the computer.

In addition, these chips allow for a wider range of computer applications. Until then, these machines were designed for math or business applications, but not for both subjects. The chip allows the application to be made more flexible and the model to be standardized.

It was IBM that launched the computer that launched this third generation. So on April 7, 1964, he introduced the IBM 360 with Technology Ltd.

From this generation onwards, the electronic components of a computer were integrated into a single piece, the chip. Inside these chargers, Gods and transistors are placed, which allows for faster charging speeds and reduced power consumption.

In addition, new computers gain reliability and flexibility as well as multipliers. Parts and accessories have been modernized and miniature pottery has appeared with more affordable costs.
The main model,

the launch of the company's IBM 360, is an event that started in the third generation. The impact is so great that more than 30,000 units have been produced.

Another notable example of this generation is the CDC600 600, developed by the Data Control Corporation. At the time, the computer was considered the most powerful production because it was set to operate at 3,000,000 instructions per second.

Finally, among the makers of the Mini PPP, the PPP 8 and PPP 11 stand out, both with large processing capabilities.

Generation The next generation of computers between 1971 and 1981 had their own computers. Gradually, these machines began to reach home.

thousands of integrated circuits in a single silicon chip allow microprocessors to emerge as the main protagonist of fourth-generation computers. The machines that filled a room in the 1940s were reduced in size until they needed only a small table.

On a single chip, as in the case of the Intel 4004 (1971), all the basic components fit from the memory unit and the central processing unit to the input and output controls.

This great technological advancement has given its main fruits such as the appearance of a computer or personal computer.

At this stage, one of the most important companies in the computer industry was born, APT. Its birth comes after Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs invented the first mass microphone in 1976.

IBM introduced its first home PC in 1981, and APPLE released the Macintosh three years later. Power and other technological advances are the key for these machines to start connecting, which will eventually lead to the Internet.

Other important items that appeared at this stage were guitars, mice, and laptops.

In the fourth generation, memory with a magnetic core was replaced by a silicon chip. In addition, the small size of the accessories allowed for more integration in those chips.

In addition to computers, so-called advanced assistants were also developed at this stage, capable of performing multiple operations per second.

Another feature of this generation is the standardization of computers, especially computers. In addition, the so-called clones start to produce low cost without losing functionality.

As noted, downsizing is the most important function of a fourth generation computer. A large part of this is achieved through the use of VLSI microwaves.

Computer prices are starting to fall, allowing them to reach more families. Items such as a mouse or graphical user interface make the machine easy to use.

Process power also increased significantly as power consumption declined further.

Main models

This generation of computers is distinguished by the appearance of many models, both PC and clone.

On the other hand, the makers of the first modern computers that used the microwave-powered HSH also appeared. The first unit was installed at the Los Angeles National Laboratory. Another 80 were later sold.

Among the small devices, the PPP-11 has emerged for its stability in the market. This model appeared in the previous generation, before the microwave makers, but its acceptance caused it to be modified so that the components were installed.

The Altair 8800 went on sale in 1975 and was noted for incorporating the Basic language out of the box. This computer features the Intel 8080, the first 17-bit microprocessor. His bus, the SS 1000, became the standard for many years to come.

Part of the success of this latest model is due to the fact that it is marketed together with a keyboard and mouse.

In 1977 a second apple appeared, which was sold with great success for seven years. The original model had 6502 processors, 4 GB of memory and an 8-bit architecture. Later, in 1979, the company introduced the Apple II Plus with increased RAM.

Fifth generation

For some writers, the fifth generation computer began in 1983 and continues to the present day. Others keep the start date, but claim it ended in 1999.

The history of

the fifth generation of computers began in Japan. In 1981, Asia announced its plans to develop smart computers that could communicate with people and recognize images.

The plans presented include hardware updates and artificial intelligence operating system additions.

The Japanese project has been going on for 11 years, but has not achieved the results they want. Eventually, the computer evolved only in the existing parameters, without which artificial intelligence could be incorporated.

However, other companies are still trying to get artificial intelligence to be integrated into computers. Among the ongoing projects are Amazon, Google, Apple or Tesla.

The first step is built into the smart home device, which seeks to integrate all activities in the home or autonomous car.

In addition, another step needs to be taken to give the machine the possibility of self-learning based on the experience gained.

In addition to these projects, during the fifth generation, the use of laptops or notebooks became very widespread. With them, the computer is no longer fixed in the room, but can accompany the user at any time.

of Japan's project to build a more advanced computer and the production of the first supercomputer that worked with parallel processing marked the beginning of

5th generation.

From then on, computers could perform new tasks, such as automatic language translation. Similarly, storage began to be measured in gigabytes and DVDs emerged.

In terms of structure, the fifth generation of computers has been integrated into their microfinance sector as part of the pre-existing features in the CPU.

The result is the emergence of highly sophisticated computers. In addition, users do not need any programming knowledge to use it: to solve highly complex problems, all you have to do is access some functions.

Despite such complexity, artificial intelligence has not yet been developed in most computers. There have been some advances in communicating using human language, but self-learning and self-organizing machines are evolving.

On the other hand, the use of inductors and parallel processing allows all operations to be performed faster. In addition, the number of simultaneous tasks that the machine can handle increases significantly.

Key models

The failure of world chess champion Gary Carvaro to the computer in 1997 seems to confirm the advancement of these machines towards human intelligence. Its 32 processors with parallel processing can analyze 200 million chess moves per second.

M Company. M. Deep, the name of the computer, was also programmed to perform calculations on new drugs, search large databases, and perform complex and large calculations required in many scientific fields.

Another computer that was used on humans was IBM's Watson. In this case, the machine defeated two champions from the American TV show Jeopardy.

Watson is equipped with several high-powered engines running in parallel. This allows him to search in a large autonomous database without an internet connection.

To get that result, Watson needs to process natural language, perform machine learning, reason about knowledge, and do in-depth analysis. According to computer experts, this shows that it is possible to develop a new generation that will interact with people.

6th Generation

As noted above, not all experts agree on the existence of 6th generation computers. For this group, the fifth generation continues to use today.

On the other hand, others point out that the progress being made is important enough for them to be part of a new generation. Among these investigations, one that was developed on what is considered to be the future of the dominant computer is quantum computing.
History and characteristics

Research technology has not been active in recent years. In the field of computers, the current trend is to try to integrate neural-related learning circuits, a kind of artificial "brain". This involved the production of the first smart computers.

A key to achieving the use of power chargers. This will allow for a significant reduction in electricity consumption and thus less heat generation. So these systems will be almost 30 times more powerful and efficient than current systems.

New computers are being built with vector and computer architecture, as well as special processor chips to perform a number of tasks. This must be in addition to the implementation of artificial intelligence systems.

However, experts believe that more research is still needed to achieve this goal. According to many experts, the future will be quantum computer development. This technology will mark the entrance to the next generation of computers.

Computing Most major technology companies such as Google, Intel, IBM or Microsoft have been trying to develop quantum computing for many years.

This type of computer is different from traditional computers. To start, it is based on the use of Oldits, which combines zero and one instead of bits. The last number also uses those numbers, but it can not be displayed at the same time.

The power provided by this new technology will allow us to respond to unresolved issues.

D-Wave System special model launched in 2013, with two of its dual-kinetic computers in 2013 faster than conventional computers and with 439 units of computing power.

Despite these advances, it was not until 2019 that the first desktop computers appeared. It is an IBM Q System One that combines quantum and classic computers. This allowed it to offer up to 20 legacy systems intended for use in large-scale research and computation.

On September 18 of the same year, IBM announced that it planned to launch a new quantum computer soon, with the age of 53. When launched, this model will be the most influential in the commercial range.

U. History of the computer generation. Download from
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Aran Davy Wheat. Computer generation. Discover from
business to business All 5 generations of computers. Download from
Beal, Vangie. 5 generations of computers. Download from
McCarthy, Michael J. Generation, PC. Download from the Encyclopedia
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