Assignment for you Presentation on theme: "What is Organizational Behavior?"— Presentation transcript Presentation on theme: "What is Organizational Behavior?"— Presentation transcript

Presentation on theme: "What is Organizational Behavior?"— Presentation transcript

Presentation on theme: "What is Organizational Behavior?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Organizational Behavior?
The Organization as a Social SystemRoles of the Manager

2 Organizational Behavior
A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, to apply such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.

3 Getzels – Guba Model Institution Role Expectation Group Climate
IntentionsIndividualPersonalityNeedDispositionObservedBehaviorIdeographic (Individual) DimensionNomothethic (Organizational) DimensionOrganizationAs ASocial System

4 What Managers Do They get things done through other people.
Management Activities: Make decisions allocate resources direct activities of others to attain goals work in an organization consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.

5 Management FunctionsControlLeadOrganizePlan

6 Management Functions: Plan
ControlLeadOrganizePlanA process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities. As managers advance, they do this function more often.

7 Management Functions: Organize
ControlLeadOrganizePlanDetermining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.

8 Management Functions: Lead
ControlLeadOrganizePlanA's function includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts. It is about PEOPLE!

9 Management Functions: Control
LeadOrganizeMonitoring performance, comparing actual performance with previously set goals, and correcting any deviation.

10 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles: Interpersonal

11 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles: Informational

12 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles: Decisional

13 Katz’s Essential Management Skills
Technical skills ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise human SkillsThe ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups conceptual SkillsThe mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations

14 Luthans’ Study of Managerial Activities
Is there a difference in the frequency of managerial activity between effective and successful managers? Four types of managerial activity: Traditional management decision-making, planning, and controlling.CommunicationExchanging routine information and processing paperworkHuman Resource ManagementMotivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, and training.NetworkingSocializing, politicking, and interacting with others.

15 Managers Should Use All Three Approaches
The trick is to know when to go with your gut.– Jack WelshIntuition is often based on inaccurate informationFaddism is prevalent in management systematic study can be time-consuming use evidence as much as possible to inform your intuition and experience. That is the promise of OB.

16 Contributing Disciplines
PsychologySociologySocial PsychologyAnthropologyMany behavioral sciences have contributed to the development of organizational behavior

17 PsychologyThe science seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals.Unit of Analysis: IndividualContributions to OB: Learning, motivation, personality, emotions, perception training, leadership effectiveness, job satisfaction individuals decision making, performance appraisal attitude measurement employed selection, work design, and work stress

18 Social PsychologyAn area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology and that focuses on the influence of people on one another. Unit of Analysis: GroupContributions to OB: Behavioral change attitude change communication group processes group decision making

19 The study of people concerning their fellow human beings.
sociology study of people about their fellow human beings. Unit of Analysis:-- Organizational System-- GroupContributions to OB: Group dynamics work teamsCommunicationPowerConflictIntergroup behaviorFormal organization theory organizational technology organizational change organizational culture

20 AnthropologyThe study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.Unit of Analysis:-- Organizational System-- GroupContributions to OB: Organizational culture organizational environmentComparative values comparative attitudesCross-cultural analysis

21 Types of Study Variables
Independent (X)Dependent (Y)The presumed cause of the change in the dependent variable (Y). This is the variable that OB researchers manipulate to observe the changes in Y.This is the response to X (the independent variable). It is what the OB researchers want to predict or explain. The interesting variable! X YPredictive Ability

22 Interesting OB Dependent Variables
ProductivityTransforming inputs to outputs at the lowest cost. Includes the concepts of effectiveness (achievement of goals) and efficiency (meeting goals at a low cost).AbsenteeismFailure to report to work – a huge cost to employers.TurnoverVoluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization.Deviant Workplace BehaviorVoluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and thereby threatens the well-being of the organization and/or any of its members.

23 More Interesting OB Dependent Variables
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)Discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization. Job satisfaction general attitude (not a behavior) toward one’s job; a positive feeling of one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

24 The Independent Variables
The independent variable (X) can be at any of these three levels in this model: IndividualBiographical characteristics, personality and emotions, values and attitudes, ability, perception, motivation, individual learning, and individual decision making.GroupCommunication, group decision-making, leadership and trust, group structure, conflict, power and politics, and work teams.Organization SystemOrganizational culture, human resource policies and practices, and organizational structure and design.

25 OB Model Dependent Variables (Y) Three Levels
Independent Variables (X)

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