Assignment for you What do managers do? What do managers do?

What do managers do?

What do managers do?

Objectives of the study

  1. Identify the four interrelated functions of management: planning, organizing, directing and overseeing.

    You will accomplish this through  management  : the process of planning, organizing, directing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals. The  plan  allows you to take your business idea beyond the concept stage. However, it does not  make it ready  . You need to  plan  everything if you want your plan to come true. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. And because your remarkable investment is supposed to be better with those in charge, you need to be a  leader  who can motivate your people to do well. Finally, to know if things are really going well, you have to  manageYour operation is to measure the results and compare them with the results you put in your plan. Figure 6.1 The “Role of Planning”  gives you a good idea of ​​the interrelationships between planning and other functions that managers perform.

The role of planning

The role of planning: Planning -> Organization -> Leadership -> Monitoring

Management functions

If you go to a small or large non-profit company or a government agency, you will see managers doing what you are doing to run a business, record -  plan, organize, lead  and manage.  . In the last part of this chapter, we will examine these four related functions in detail.

GoWy key

  • Managers manage, lead and manage resources to achieve specific goals.
  • In planning,  they set goals and determine the best way to achieve them.
  • Organizing means allocating resources (people, equipment and budget) to implement a company plan.
  • Indication is the process of giving attention to employees and encouraging them to achieve organizational goals.
  • Monitoring involves making realistic comparisons to expected performance and taking corrective action when necessary.


(AACSB) Analysis

Consider what your old high school principal should do to ensure that the school meets the needs of students. Identify these activities and group them according to the four functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and overseeing

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