SWOT comes from the words Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat
Strengths are traits that give you or your business an advantage over competitors and make your business more attractive to customers. And Chinese, in addition to the Khmer language on the packaging, can also be a strong point for your product.
Weaknesses are difficult factors or bad qualities in you or in your business that need further improvement. For example, most of the guests staying at your hotel are Chinese. Finding staff who speak Chinese and have been trained in customer service is difficult and expensive, so if you do not have staff who can provide customer service in Chinese, it can count. Include weaknesses in your business.
Opportunity is something that happens outside of your business that you take advantage of to be successful. Some examples include: There are many cafes where we choose to open a grocery store or bakery. As a result, we have no competitors in the area that offer products or services similar to ours.
Threats are things that happen or can happen outside of your business that can hinder your success and reduce your profits. For example, cafes around Toul Tompong are very popular. There are coffee shops almost everywhere in the area, so if you choose to open a coffee shop in that area, it means you have more competitors.
Article by: But Chakrya
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